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Cody, Eily and Bokhari
Age: 18, 18, 18years old
School: Clifton College, Strathallan School, Maktab Sains


Dee-elicious through the ages

cookie-d x June 2007
cookie-d x July 2007
cookie-d x August 2007
cookie-d x September 2007
cookie-d x October 2007
cookie-d x November 2007
cookie-d x December 2007
cookie-d x January 2008
cookie-d x February 2008
cookie-d x March 2008
cookie-d x April 2008
cookie-d x May 2008
cookie-d x June 2008
cookie-d x July 2008
cookie-d x August 2008
cookie-d x September 2008
cookie-d x November 2008
cookie-d x January 2009
cookie-d x February 2009
cookie-d x March 2009
cookie-d x April 2009
cookie-d x May 2009
cookie-d x July 2009

Friends of Dee-elicious

Ann Lee
Boon Hui
Chea Hong
Cheah Wen
Dilah <3.Tiqah.Sabri
Ian Chan
Jingo And Friends
Jon Shim
Kilah <3
Kwang and Izzat
Nigel and Felicia
Peggie Monkeh
Sabrina & Co.
Starship Sarah
Syazziewinnie The Pony
Zaty and Zatul
Sil Yin


x x x x x x x
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hello all! It has been a hectic few weeks and would you believe it? Schools opening one week from now ( OH JOY WHEEEEEEEE ). But its all good, the hols have been kind to me although it has been quite short. I am in the midst of the under 22 tournament and I am in awe of my teammates. Their level of play is lightyears ahead from me and I have complete faith that they have the ability to deliver fully. Why just yesterday the team bested the hainan team with a zomgwtfbbqlol score of 141 to 36. Neways I would like to say HI to my new classmates which i shall now list out with great aplomb so hey me,ian,kelvin,SHERRY,roland,sulaiman, aklimah, silyin, huijin, anwar, mingrui, nadhirah, nasreen, wajee,tiqah and etccc!!!!!!!!! Hope you won't study too hard and beat the crap out of me as you are all very very smart people and I really don't wanna study too hard until my brain gets inflamed and my liver gets cirrhosis. NAH im just kidding...no, seriously don't study so hard! The new year is evidently going to get real tough but it may just be rewarding as well. So once again to all you people ( both uncategorised and ShUFfL3Z), A very merry belated XMAS and A really really HAPPY NEW YEAR in advance.

CHEERS ( from all the alcohol Im a gonna drink )

Cody ( Om3Ga 3 ShUFFl3Z TeAm S3Longsooooong Angl3rz FoR3v3r H3aRtZ )

stole your heart at : 5:00 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
And we have landed

Cody and I are back from our trip while Eric is enjoying a lap dance in Bangkok. Not sure when he's coming back but we hope he is having fun there, enjoying himself, without our company. All is well without Eric. Brunei has never been more peaceful. ^^,v

It has been a tiring and busy week. Cody rode elephants, kissed monkeys, fed an alligator, fished for giant Mekong catfish and made out with Utumporn, a thai transvestite. Cody came back a happy boy.

That's Cody having fun with an elephant.

My holiday wasn't as exciting as it was not filled with joyful elephant rides, outdoor fishing for monster fishes or hanging out with foreign transvestites. Instead, I spent my holiday wrestling stingrays, feeding polar bears and playing with pink dolphins.

The homies.

Captain Undiepants.

The beach was more happening than Gadong itself.

Stingray got owned.

Ahaha and pink dolphins. No shit, they were pink.

I met up with Ian at Orchard and both of us brought our poklen game on. Ian shopped for bargain boxers and David Hasselhoff tshirt.

So while we were doing our things, Ian making a poklen out of himself along Orchard, there was a bunch of Christmas girls dressed like Santa (without beards of course) stalking us, or prolly just me. Shocking I know. One of them approached us and gave me candy despite me being with Ian. Ian had to break dance to get the girl's attention. He got lucky and got candy too. Right on. So we kept meeting the Christmas girls and they kept giving us candy. Ian was touched as he had never been treated so well by girls.

Ian and I went our separate ways after his mom came. It was a very sad moment for the both of us :'( I took the MRT to the station nearest to where I was staying and then got on a bus. Unfortunately I got off at the wrong stop and was lost somewhere in Singapore. But scared I was not. So I thought I could walk home. But wrong I was. I walked for about an hour but to no avail. I came to rest at a park and finally found a bus which could take me home and reached home about 2 hours late.

And so that ends my journey.

It has been tiring, it has been awesome but most of all ... it has been LEGENDARY.

Til then, there're new episodes of How I Met Mamamu to catch up.



stole your heart at : 6:45 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007

Dearest blog,
It has been a while,
I have been well, its 1 am, i'm goin to thailand later on, I havent packed my bag yet, I just came back from The Warlords, its legend, wait for it bokh!, -ary.

I went fishing with jon jst now. It gave me inspiration to blog. Only the two of us went, with 10+ other indons. It was very unproductive. Not even a nibble =/

Lesson learnt : Never go fishin with jon, he has been to 10 fishin trips and havent caught a fish yet. It is disgraceful. Jon, YouGotOwnedBui!

Enough about fishing cause it breaks my heart thinking about it, I've been going to fitness zone lately with jon, freddy and jst nowwww, i met bon, nadee and diana! Great workout as usual, I did the usual 32km jog, 2 sets, 15 reps of 320kg bench press, under-push ups and some other stuffs. I have a dream, to be like this guy.


While bobo has developed a new interest in guitar heroes, I, on the other hand have developed a new interest in korean dramas. Its is legenddddddd, wait for it bokh!. -aryy. No shit sherlock. It is the bomb. I finished full house. Outdated i am but it nearly brought me to tears. Effing dramatic. Princess hours is next! CHILLOS, IM HINTING!

Cody is prolly getting entertained by a 200 baht thai stripper andd it is true, i will be joinin him! It is gonna be spankin fun i guess. Ian is prolly in the procedure of getting his leg amputated. Do pray for him please. Bobo must be clubbing in KL, drinking booze, getting high and wasted. Poor boy. Its okay bokh. Buy me a topman shirt <333

Bah, im off now losers. Don't get me any souvenirs cause i am too cheap to get you guys anything too. OWNED. kiddin XD


ps, Kings of Leon is gay. Im serious bokh.

pps, dont miss me XD

stole your heart at : 1:01 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
I know a girl with a golden touch

Dearest blog, it has been too long.

It has been a while since I've posted anything up. I guess I needed some blogspiration. This current blogskin that cody put up aint so inspiring.

I would be playing futsal in a futsal court, doing nutmegs, rainbow and stepovers by now if it weren't for the rain. Road's all flooded and I can't fecking get out of the house ah. Hence, here I am writing about my life which is actually sad. I'm not saying that my life is sad, cause it's been great actually, well recently. =D I'm saying that it is sad that I'm here talking about myself and what I did today, yesterday or the day before. Cause football > blogging!

Haha nonetheless I am still here to blog cause apparently some people find it rather interesting to read about other people's lives.

So all this while I've been doing the usuals, bowling with the gang, going out to movies, fishing with the boyz, pre-holiday shopping for underpants and omg, I've developed a new interest. It's awesome, it's addictive and it bloody kicks ass. Yeah I'm talking about GUITAR HEROES baby. I've spent the whole day yesterday and basically from this morning til now playing this kickass game. Volume all cranked up, The Killers 'When You Were Young' playing at max volume, it's almost as good as playing it on real guitar. I think everyone should start playing Guitar Heroes =)

Dee is prolly riding a Siberian elephant with ivory horns right now in Thailand. Eric will be joining him on the 14th. I on the other hand will be leaving for kl and Singapore tomorrow. So till then no updates from us. Be back in a weeks time.



ps, everyone should download Kings of Leon because i think they are awesome.

pps, dont miss me

stole your heart at : 9:25 PM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Hahaha bye feckers XD

This will be my last post in a while for I will be going on holiday!!!! Technically I am already on holiday but you get it. Eric and Bobo will be leaving pretty soon too and Ian is leaving tomorrow whoopee. I hope for an enlightening experience as well as an enjoyable one, namely an experience which doesnt involve tagging along with the ladies as they spend 30282 hours shopping for clothes and etc. I will be going to Thailand, home to the exotic tuktuks, amazingly cheap but good japanese food and many more. I will eat fried insects on my stay over there and ride on smelly elephants.


Whoopee for me

stole your heart at : 2:41 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
dee and bobo, stop being cali

SexyElicious is not here!
Haha kidding, he is here!
OWNED you dee. mwahah XD

Replies to our sexy taggers,

Marlene : *winks* HII XD
Fina : Where have you been woman!? I miss you haha. Better get me something from sepanyol! And you can't comment on the vid. Just tag wah :D
Wina : Haha yeaa it is a great video indeed. Thanks! Bobo misses you much btw :D:D
CheaHong : HOTTTTTIE ALERT! Haha we be emoo togetherrr! Chatting to you makes me laugh everytime! Haha paloii your stories >=D
Cheahwen : Noooo, eily is sexier than elephant. haha and dont worry, i wont steal them from you =P
Freddy : DONT TELL THE WHOLE WORLD! haha the guy in the picture is really me wah T.T You havent drove me around yett buii =/
Shairli : HIIIIII haha we miss you too!
Vivien Yap : OI WOMAN! i miss you deep deep mah! shh, dont tell anyone about the pic mah hahah XD Hope your doing fine there!
Ian : ****** | ****** you! <33
: CHILLOS, I minta maaaaaaaf tetapi aku cinta padamuu :D CM inda HOT! =P
Lilypad : Boo! Arizona inda lawaa! I can sing better than KOL. =DD tapi bobo suka.
KwanG : You are a giant, cody is a mouse compared to you! I cant believe you are 106kg. I think you are 3x of bobo. bobo got OWNED. mwahah XD
Dee : you noob. :D
Amilyn : LONG TIME NO SEEEEE! i miss you too shortay XD

Righteous, life is great. All is well i guess. Yesterday was the bomb, cause we went for bowling at utama. We were,

Eric = keric kontang (cause it rhymes with kering-kontang, i dont get this one too)
Ziqah = zikapeh (it sounds good but she isnt kapeh)
Izzah = treehundred (the lover of trees and men with abs perhaps)
Ian = Ianbuibui (PoKl3N yo!)
Bobo = polkabokh (he wears a polka-dotted shirt and specs too, gay much indeed.)
Rabeh = rubeng beng (gila hot yo, dont mess with her. She has a gun. Kiddin)
Jeerah = bulajir (mess with her and she will tumbuk you, and she is into football!)
Izzy = easypeasy (Cute nick ahh XD cute macam aku kann)
Silah = silly.anylove (im jealous, it should've been silly.eily)

WOOOOOOOOTZxX, I owned you guys! No doubt, my score was likeee highest, bobo kesian ah. Everyone teased him cause his score was no where near izzy's and he masuk-ed longkang countless times. Its okay bokh, your still a lvl 3 bowler. We love your lil brother ryan btw! =P The girls would turn paedophile for him. XD

Bowling was smelly cause my group lost and we had to take the shoes off the winners group. Bobo dint wear socks. Go figure. Izzy had to open his shoe. OWNED YOU ZY! mwahah. The air wasn't pleasant because of BOBO! Anyways i'll let the picture do the talking.

i pity izzy =/

me? HAHA

gila hot.

we owned you!

jolly good time.

Righteous that was it. We had a great time and thats all that matters. Bobo did card tricks, it was legendary! Well he owned in card tricks only.

Sorry, Im awfully tired, I jst got back from excapade then rainforest. Its 1.08 am now. I havent showered. I reek of cigarette smell. Im group convo-ing with them again. Its epic. Bold and beautiful much. Ziqah and Izzah camping at OGDC later on. HOPE YOU GIRLIES HAVE FUN! XD When you're gone, i shall plant an apple tree for you girls!

Btw bokh, Kings of Leon inda cool. Eric singing in the shower > Kings of Leon

And not to forget, Happy Birthday Melanie Shim Yi Lyn xD your getting older woman! Have a great spankin' one!


stole your heart at : 4:58 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Dating 101

SexyEliciouss is not here!

It has been an uneventful three days, or was it four. I cant remember nor can I be bothered to remember. The days have been filled with numerous activities, none of them remotely exciting such as fishing for plastic bags, anchovies and old rubber tires. The fish don't seem to like Ian's scent. one whiff of him and they all float belly up, ibarat pepatah 'seperti ikan kena tuba yang amat kuat seperti sheltox atau ridsect'. Eric kept on repeating the word selungsunggggg over and over again. He felt that fishing teams were trendy so he formed one. "XfishingAnglerZSelungSungZ" came to be. It has only a few members in it. Eric and himself. No one would be caught dead with a fishing jacket with that name on the back. Eric on the other hand liked the name a lot.

Dating 101

To be as successful as I am in dating, follow the following tips.

  1. When approaching date, turn back and head for the door, Like Now! to ensure she doesnt see you. If she does see you, make a break for it. Push down big boxes or chairs to slow her down if necessary.
  2. Do not bring flowers, chocolates or etc for your date. Corporate companies have brainwashed youths into believing that these items please your date. They are wrong! Instead, go with a nice frozen fish head or even a fresh spud. You won't regret it.
  3. Get a girlfriend with a car so she can drive to the takeaway, get the food and drive back to your place. If you're a couch potato, give her the keys to your house. Your girlfriend can now bring dinner to you instead of you taking her out to dinner. This lessens the hastle of making small talk or uncomfortable silence sessions.
  4. Avidly make snide remarks about her clothing and hairstyle. Be sure to give her the 'wtfomgbbqlol' face while doing so.
  5. Walk three steps ahead of your date so attractive single women will notice you.
  6. Feign surpise as you lie about forgetting to bring your wallet. Smile as your date pays for dinner and offer to get the tip.
  7. Tell her how big a Star Wars fan you are. Explain in detail about the part where Yoda meets Obi Wan in the cave, or was it Luke Skywalker. If you don't know jack about Star Wars, talk about Enterprise instead. If all else fails, push self destruct button and detonate self.
  8. Order a plate of fish and chips. Explain why you prefer the taste of human flesh.
  9. Tell your date how much you still love your ex and how much you still care for him/her.
  10. Ask the waiter to play the ukelele while you dance the hula in public while on a date. Afterwards, buy a silly hat and mask and walk around wearing the afforementioned articles of clothing.

Fishing Day at Rimba

Eric doing a wardance with sticks

A victim of Mad Cow disease

Action Shot

End of Day

Much Love,


stole your heart at : 8:43 PM